HIC in order to promote Human Connections all around the world through the exchange of human relationships and friendships has started international education projects based on reading groups. A group can consist of two or more people who meet online with scheduled appointments to share opinions and the teachings received by the object book of the reading.
Usually, the meetings take place on the weekend for reasons of time zone, and the schedule is established between all the participants. We have already successfully completed a first reading group focusing on “Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself” by Dr. Joe Dispenza.
Another group of five is currently underway between Australia and Italy, focusing on another interesting book by Dr. Joe Dispenza “Being Supernatural”.
A new group will be formed shortly and we are ready to receive new members from every country in the world.
Giulia with Debra and Dorit Giulia with Debra and Suzi

Being part of an international group in a book club has been an enriching experience. The act of reading a book and discussing it with others definitely brings more depth of understanding and new insights and perspectives. Additionally the connection and communication above and beyond the book has been absolutely priceless. I highly recommend this experience. Thank you Giulia for your energy and contributions.
Thank you so much Debra for your lovely comment. Our book club is certainly a success because it gives us the pleasure of analyzing together the content of the same book, getting the most from different perspectives. Different minds, from different countries, drawing knowledge from the same source of learning, which is the book. It is an amazing experience and I hope many more people, from all over the world, will join us.
Being a member of this book club has been most enriching for me personally because I love books and reading. Books have always been my first love since the age of 7 and as I near 50, this one best friend and love is still
always a constant companion. I alway find myself retreating to books for support, guidance and wisdom. I find a good book warms my heart and hugs my brain like a loving grandmother or aunt as they share their wisdom over camp fire and good food, laughter to be enjoyed and good times guaranteed. Need I say more, a book club offers all these vitality and radiance with new friends to be made around the globe. These wonderful ladies are my dear friends now, some I knew and some I met through this club as we share lovely knowledge and wisdom and support each other’s growth and development. Thank you Guilia for this opportunity and creating a wonderful human connection community.
Thank you to all my beautiful book club friends, the journey through our reading was very enjoyable.
The interaction and discussions added new and interesting perspectives on the subject matter which broadens one’s own understanding and growth.
Lovely group and I would recommend joining in for a new reading to everyone !